Help and advice

A corner of kindness REVAMP

Hi everybody, so as you may or may not know, a while back I wrote a post called a corner of kindness. In which proposed my idea of having a page/ section on my blog where anybody could talk openly about anything negative on their mind, and receive support from both me and the blogging community ( which is absolutely beautiful by the way). The reaction to a corner of kindness was amazing, and as you guys know I am all for supporting others when they are going through a rough time or simply feeling down. One of the biggest things I love about the internet is the amazing community that surrounds it, and I really want to harness that again. And make sure my blog offers a place of support that I really do think is important.

I think we all know full well that when we are feeling down, or are struggling with something. We tend to feel lonely too, and that is one of the most awful things to feel. Because of that, I want to revamp A corner of kindness. If you don’t know what this is, a corner of kindness is the idea that you comment on this post or on The corner of kindness page on my blog ( which I made as a suggestion from a lovely blogger) about anything you are struggling with, or feeling bad about. I and the people of the internet can then reply to your comment, give you some support, and show you you are not alone with what you are dealing with. You can also take part in A corner of kindness by simply replying to people’s comments.

I really think this will be an amazing thing to do for me, and you too. I love that the internet provides these platforms that we can use to make people happier, and without sounding cringey because I really don’t want this to get cringey, if there is one thing I want to do in life, it’s making people happy. I really hope you all like the idea of a corner of kindness, and it helps you in some way ( *prays this doesn’t flop*).

Thank you so much for reading, If you enjoyed please do like, comment and follow my blog. It means the world to me.

You can read my last post here.

You can find the ‘ A corner of kindness’ page here. Also quick sidenote, I will not have Wifi for a couple of days, so I am sorry if I won’t be active for a little while!

Love, Misstery

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